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Wednesday, March 30, 2011

fixing the economy simplified

There is 3 ways to make money to sustain and retain our self suffient economy. 1. Use all the natural resources we have under our own soil. Fossil fuels and ores sorry epa and peta your mmking it so china and other countries are better than us! 2. Agriculture farm farm farm! We been lucky enough to be blessed with space most other countries don't have so let's use it and export those goods. Dear government stop paying farmers to not grow crops please and thank you. 3. Manufacturing, produce our products here giving legitmate citizens jobs another note to the government please give the companies that make their wares here a break and tax the living piss out of the ones that don't plain and simple.

That's all for now. Tell me what you think?


  1. Well, I don't get why people haven't thought of ideas like these to help the economy. That's how I feel right now. You're right on the spot with what you're saying.

  2. Oh I'm sure they are thought of... it's just about what is profitable to those in power. It's all a game of thrones man!


  3. Interesting measures. In economy everyone seem to have good ideas only the politicians don´t. HA HA

  4. You're wrong. The economy is totally screwed forever.

  5. I agree with most of what you are saying.. got lost somewhere along the line

  6. I think it's all controlled by corporations. Of course just my opinion though.

  7. You make some valid points but you must know that you´re completely oversimplifying things right?

  8. for as long as there are cheaper alternatives, the present economic conditions will continue.
